Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Growing Dark Seed

It was unknown, But was plant deep.
And its power is steering the Plains of Peaceful Mind.

There beings, one who planted Life, and another Darkness, Bitterness and Power. For year later, both of the become trees A Fig and a Rose Tress. One day there is a boy walk by, and curious about those trees , that boy was name Johnathyr. Suddenly , A rude voice from the Rose Tree say" Take my seed and eat it so that you will get what you desire". When the boy was about to take the seed, The Fig tree whispers gently " Do you really need all this more than your life?" Strangely , the boy take the Seed and the Fig , and keep it and eats it.For that day he was, enlighten. During that time,people around accuse him,used him, he hate with silence,and cry without a sound. But what was worth for him to be happy, is that he finally gain something, something he wish for it to happen long ago. He wins no only with his sword, also his sound words. He become a favorite to the Elders, Though He fought for his people, no one remembers him , And try to rob everything from him. Even that happens, Johnathyr gain his repute as a noble knight he had just become a favorite shining star to the Elders, and they can help to repeat his deeds over and over again. It's been a good start for such young life like him, but who knows the power of Fig and the Seed start to grows, and start to fight inside his Plains of Peaceful Mind, both sides can't wins. Will he have a Shinning future , or just the Darkness awaits him ahead ? May Light have mercy on him, a pitiful creature.

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